


Product details


Double Mould Double-work Positions Center Bl

the technical parameters

model parameter unit
Suitable Material PP、PE  
Diameter of Screw Φ40 Φ45 mm
Ratio of Length 25:1 L/D
Screw Rotating 10-90 cycle/min
Extruding Capacity 20-24 kg/h
Section Drum 3 Section
Size for Moule Range Max/Min 100/85 mm
Distance of Double Mould Center 80/90/100 mm
Circle Time 2.6 min
Hydraulic Drive Motor 3.75 kw
Screw Drive Motor 5.5 kw
Drum Heating 4 kw
Die Head Heating 1.5 kw
Air Compressor Capacity 0.4 M3/min
Encasement Size(L×W×H) 2.4×1.3×1.5 m
Machine Weight 1 t
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